Move Welcome
8 words
Move Start
Open Start
Getting Started
The first steps (silent):
22 words
Move Card actions
Open Card actions
Card actions
Open the menu by tapping the three vertical dots on the right side of the card
Duplicate card [PRO]
Create a new card with the same properties, like title, notes, color, context, list and attachments.
The new card is shown in the edit view.
Create list from card [PRO]
When a single card is not enough, create a list with the cards title.
Confirm this undoable action.
A new list appears
![Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-29 um 13.24.09.png](
Card actions
110 words
Move Action Button: Bulk actions
Open Action Button: Bulk actions
Action Button: Bulk actions
Floating Action Button
Bulk actions
Tap somewhere on a card where there is no text or button and the card is selected, showing a colored border:
The bottom FAB (Floating Action Button) changes to a bulk action selector:
Actions currently available are:
- Move 2. Set context 3. Create list 4. Remove 5. Unselect
Move the cards to another station or list. Change the card-color.
By separation of selection and execution,
Action Button: Bulk actions
192 words
Move Privacy and Data Usage
Open Privacy and Data Usage
Privacy Information and Data Usage
iKanban collects purchase history from users and beside that does not collect or process any kind of personal information.
Privacy and Data Usage
24 words